Rehab Funds / Hard Private Money
Hey looking for some rehab funds on a home that has no mortgage on it ( free & clear ) but bad credit
Would like to get the funds as soon as at all possible
Willing to pay up to 10 % interest rate on the loan for a short term of 12 to 24 months looking for 20 ,000
Would take longer terms if offered
The property is in Washington state is a 3 bedroom 1 bath home
Would work with most any one willing to give the loan even a nationwide lender of private /hard money
why so high of a rate ?
And a clear title is not a problem
Do you have a name for me a web page something ?
Sorry, not trying to promote myself in the above post! the site is prosper with the most COMmon extension on it.
PM me the details. We are in New York looking to get into a rehab deal for the right price.
we are fix & flippers trying to get rolling in NJ, we are right near Irvington - can you send further deatils if still avail? thanks
I am in Jersey City which is about ten miles from Irvington. I aslo have acquired and rehabbed property in irvington and newark in the past. PM me the details of this property and the deal you are proposing. I am very interested.