Rehab And Remodel Price List
Would you happen to have, or can tell me where to find one a list of cost of things that need to be fixed or remolded in a house when dealing with fiixer ups. Just a list of prices or range of prices of certain common things that are remodled (bathroom, kitchen, roof, etc....... ) and fixed in a single family 3/2 thank you.
It is a bit difficult to capture the context of your question. If you are talking about the cost to repair, you can get contractors to give itemized bids. If you are talking about the cost of materials, you can go to a Home Depot web site and select the items that you are interested in and see ball park prices.
Another issue is what you will do with the property. If you are going to resell your costs may be different that if you are going to hold on and rent it out.
I am not sure why you would need such a list since you can certainly get estimates and make a list pertaining to a particular project before committing to purchase.[ Edited by edmeyer on Date 07/07/2007 ]
Home Depot used to publish such a guide that was indexed by zip code.
Almost all professional home inspectors have a cost to cure list on their website or available in hard copy by fax or mail.
thanks for all your replies.....i will check into it
if you are doing this as a full time job try RS Means