Question about closing ??
I am new at this so if it sounds to elementry I am sorry, But I still have to ask, if you are doing a subject to / or a L/P that means that you won't have a realtor or lawyer, so how and where do you hold a closing ? From what I understand I will have to get in touch with a title company and hold it there, can any title company set closing or do they have diffrent areas that they work? could someone please shine a little light on this for me ?
Glad to meet you.
If you have done your due diligence on the property, Title Search, etc. then you can close anywhere.
I have closed on the hood of a car, one of my students recently closed at a Taco Bell, closing is no great mystery.
As you progress in your investing career you will soon learn how these things are done, so don't make it difficult as I stress forget the conventional ways look to the creative ways to guide you.
Welcome on board this board, stay creative and you will do fine.
John $Cash$ Locke