Pre-qualify Before Going to Contract!

A client of ours recently had an experience that too many
sellers fall prey to:

The Unqualified Buyer!

After not being able to sell the house for 5 months, during which time he was being drained by having to make two mortgage payments; one on the home they "had to have" even before the old one was sold and the old one, he finally located a buyer. Or so he thought.

After constant delays and stories over 3 more excruciating months, the buyer admitted he was not able to qualify for a loan. He finally closed with a new buyer, 4 months later!

Sound familiar? I hope not. We were able to get his next buyer qualified in 48 hours, which we insisted he do BEFORE my client went to contract with him. You should do the same!

So, if you've found yourself in the same situation. Better yet, before you find yourself in this situation, please get in touch with me so that I can help you to avoid these pitfalls. Because you have no idea how many headaches or deals you can save yourself!


I would have thought that after I deleted all your posts you would have gotten the message that the policy of this site states no advertising.

So let this notice be your last notice.

If you want to share with the investors here at TCI give knowledgable answers, then do so, but do not come to this board and advertise.

John $Cash$ Locke[ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 02/04/2003 ]


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