Pet Odor In Concrete

Hello All,

I am working on a rehab project that the previous owner had cats. The odor in the basement and back patio is pretty strong. Both floorings are concrete. What is the best way to clean these type of surfaces? Should they be sealed after cleaning and if so what is the best product to seal with?

God bless


  • myfrogger4th July, 2004

    killz (spelling?) works well. An ionizer also may do the trick.

  • active_re_investor4th July, 2004

    Have you searched the past threads? I think there was a discuss here (or another place maybe) that covered the issue of odors. Two solutions - one chemical and the other is an ionizer. Check the past posts for the brand names referenced.

    The sealing question might be separate. Assuming you remove the odor first, the floors might need to be sealed in any event. It would be best if they did not soak up moisture.


  • dawizzy4th July, 2004

    we bought a foreclosed townhouse with urine soaked wooden subfloors. We mopped with hot water and industrial strength bleach (from home depot) and then mopped with concentrated deodorizer. We finally had to rip up the entire upstairs and replace the wooden floor. I was told about the bleach from a fireman who cleaned up crime scenes. Hopefully it will work better on concrete than on porous wood!
    It's a nasty job, but good luck to you!

  • jam9375th July, 2004

    Search on Google for "BIN shellac". You can get this at Lowes. This works better for me then Kilz, but Kilz does good job as long as you get the oil based one not the latex based. I also mopped with bleach and let air out before using BIN

  • commercialking5th July, 2004

    I don't have a brand name any more but a good janitorial supply house will have an enzyme-based deodorizer. Spray it on, give it several hours to work. Enzymes in the stuff eat the odor causing agents in the floor.

    Before I used Binz or Kils on a concrete floor I'd use polyureathane (thin the first coat 50/50 with the recomended thinner) or China wood oil. Both penetrate the concrete better than the acohol based paints.

  • Stockpro998th July, 2004

    rent an ionizer and see what happens after a couple of days. I have killed some wild odors with these..

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