Need Site To Locate Owner Of Property Am Interested In.
I have found a property that appears to be a really good opportunity. I have found that it has 2 owners and unfortunatly I have the address for the one that has passed. Is there anyone out there that can point me to a website, that will be able to provide me with the mailing address of a person if I have their name and property address. Thanks to everyone and anyone who may have any ideas with this.
You can try the county assessors office. THey will have the address of where the property tax bill is mailed at a minimum.
Thanks for the replies, I have tried internetoracle, the assessors office, zabasearch and forwarding through Post office and have been unsuccessful in my search. Does anyone have any other ideas on how I might locate this owner who is missing ? thank you in advance for your help.
Thanks for that information. Although I do know that you were guesstimating, on a real rehab of yours, would u still guesstimate the repair cost or would you call a contractor to come out and give you a repair cost before you make your offer?
Thanks for the info!