Rehabbing By Hireing Illegal Immigrants?

a rehabber in my area does 3 properties a month, but he doesnt sub contract anything out. i have been told he has two crews of people (posibly illegal immigrants or just immigrants) who do all the work for him. should he have some sort of general contractor license for this? and should the workers has licenses? i dont think he or they have licenses but he manages the work that takes place. is this correct? and is the bank who is financing the rehabb going to want to know that the work being done is by a licensed pro.

also on a completly diffrent note what is the best rehab course out there?

oh im sorry i forgot, i think it might be perfectly fine since he is doing the work to his own properties and not other peoples. since hes buying/fixing/selling

[ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 01/21/2005 ]

[ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 01/21/2005 ][ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 01/21/2005 ]


  • NC_Yank21st January, 2005

    Conn. has what is called a Home Improvement Contractors certificate as well as a New Construction Contractor Certificate.

    You can go to the following address for more info on such.
    License Services Division
    165 Capitol Avenue, Room 147
    Hartford, CT 06106
    (860) 713-6000

    If he is using immigrants, then they should hold a valid work visa.

    Considering the problem the US has had with illegals and the ramification.........I personally think people that knowingly use such are morons and should be reported.

    Call the above number......they can answer your questions.


  • ZinOrganization21st January, 2005

    well im not saying they are defenitly illegal but for all i know they may be. it seems those CT laws only involve doing work on other peoples houses.

    also what courses are the best out there for doing/managing your own rehabs.

    so what im saying is, if im basically contracting out subs or have my own crew working on my house do i need a license? i will give them a call too.

    thanks again.

    [ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 01/21/2005 ][ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 01/21/2005 ]

  • NC_Yank22nd January, 2005

    You need to contact CT licensing board.

    But in a nutshell, the definition of a contractor is one that is building, remodeling, rehabbing a property for profit , including managing other workers / companies to complete such projects.

    Doing the above for your personal abode would not fall into that category unless are going to flip it within a year.

    At least this is out NC law looks at it.

    Again, consult with the number and website I provided to find out how CT look at it.


  • monopoly23rd January, 2005

    Is this something that you may want to do?

  • ZinOrganization23rd January, 2005

    monopoly - yes rehabbing is something i want to do, because many of the properties i come across and wholesale or short sale and then flip to end buyers need work. most of the time more then less. therefore if i can short these properties and close on them myself and rehabb by either licensed subs or my own crew then it would be most beneficial to me.

    maybe my part of town is drastically diffrent then yours. but here just about every contractor or builder uses this type of cheap labor. weather they are illegal or not i couldnt tell you. but what i do know is they work cheaper and harder then most americans who are used to getting paid for nothing. these people need jobs too and have families to feed. if these people show up on time for every job and work twice as hard and twice as chep then why wouldnt i hire them?

    [ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 01/23/2005 ][ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 01/23/2005 ]

  • NC_Yank23rd January, 2005

    Hi Zin,

    You are absolutely right about the American work ethic.
    Last year I hired a 20 y.o. old young man, set him up with
    a business, which he knew nothing about.
    My goal was to teach him everything from foundation to punchout.

    I provided him with a vehicle, Nextel phone, help him secure a business license, opening up a business checking account, insurance.....the whole works.

    The first couple months he was excited and making real good money...........but even more important he was learning the business.

    By the 4th month he thought he had plenty of money and could slack off at times, not finishing jobs that had a reasonable deadline.

    By the 6 th month I fired him and took everything back.
    He went from averaging over $1000.00 a week to working for an hourly wage of less then $7.00 per hour hauling brick and making mortar for a mason..

    I have put advertisements at a local tech college, where I was willing to pay $12.00 per hour for a handy man that new nothing..........all they had to have was a set of wheels and a good work ethic.

    You know how many calls I got....................ZERO.

    In the last 6 years I have had only 1 person that stayed the course and is now a contractor making good money.

    Unfortunately many of the youth today feel it is their RIGHT that they start at the top.

    In regards to immigrants, I have no problem with anyone here LEGALLY willing to work. I do have a serious problem when the government allows illegals to break the law and then pardons them for political reasons.

    I also have a problem with anyone wanting to complain about national security in light of post 9/11 and then hire illegals. Anyone that does such is nothing more then a lying hypocrit who would and has sold out their country in order to make a buck. Thats not opinion.......that's fact.

    I have hired immigrants before but at the same time I had them provide me with proper documentation prior to them working on my jobsite. They were hard workers but I had to let them go because of 1) language barrier 2) they did not possess the skill they had professed and again the language barrier kept me froming training them.

    The construction industry is truly in a dilema.......between rising costs of insurance, material, labor, lack of skilled labor is very difficult to play above board.

    Anyone in this business long enough will come to a point in which they will be confronted with the ethical (as well as legal) issue of hiring illegals or possibly losing a contract.

    This is America, the land of oportunity........I can make a buck without putting my country at rick by telling illegals to cross the border........I have a job for you.

    There are companies out there that do have legal
    employees, pay the required and proper insurnace etc........yet you have companies that say..........."no thank you, I need to make a buck and will break the law in doing such, therefore I will hire illegals or use companies that do such".

    That does not set well with me.


  • rewardrisk23rd January, 2005

    I read an article some time ago in the newspaper about Toll Brothers using subcontractors who hired illegals from Brazil. Toll Brothers stated that they had no control over the subs.

    One of my gifted All-American handymen who made a lot of money and made a lot of money for me decided it was party time! He is addicted to heroin and in rehab instead of rehabbing. He left me in the lurch. I know what you are saying; I see the construction sites and it is tempting. I am not ready to go that route just yet but it is tempting..This latest handyman... lets see.. he won't paint... he won't put up a light fixture (thats electrical)..what will he do?

  • NC_Yank23rd January, 2005


    The industry is filled with alcoholics and addicts.
    My former HVAC sub had a million dollar business for
    over 15 plus took him less then 9 months to lose it all as well as his family to oxycontin.

    Lack of work ethic is result of a spoiled generation combined with government programs whose sole design is to keep people enslaved through such "entiltlements" in order to secure votes for fat parasitic politicians.

    I really dont think there is a solution other then dumping welfare.............amazing what people will do when they are maybe work for a living,...............there is a novel idea!

    Yeah, I am familiar with how big track home companies will also notice they go through subs like wildfire.........its a real cut throat business.
    I had one electrican lose his business....... twice because of such companies..........I can understand the first time.......but twice................give me a sympathy here.


  • mikejaquish23rd January, 2005

    "Toll Brothers stated that they had no control over the subs. "

    They lie.
    Of course they have control, if they want it. They can keep the sub from hiring 16 year old Mexican "subs" and paying them $30.00 per day. They can demand background and drug screens. They can enforce safety rules.

    They are just exempting themselves from control. More accurately, from responsibility.

  • Stockpro9924th January, 2005

    I use hispanics whenever I can and I run them through my company. I speak spanish after having spent several years in Spain. They will work hard, work for less, and are happy to have a place where the employer can talk to them in their language. By law I cannot ask if they are legal or not. I do make them provide the required ssn etc. I have no way of knowing if it is good or not, nor do I care. Right now there are 60 million spanish speaking americans and they are growing.

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