Refinishing Hardwoods

I need the process of refinishing my hardwoods in my fixer upper. The hardwoods look pretty good but they need refinishing



  • Tucker_6522nd April, 2003


    Your local home improvement center will have books detailing this process but to give you a brief idea...

    1st Sand: Use the correct grit sand paper. The rougher the more material is removed. You stated the hardwoods are in good condition but if you have any gouges you will have to sand them out with a rough sand paper. Medium to Fine sand paper will remove the surface of the stained wood and allow you to match the stain or go darker. If you want to lighten the stain this is more difficult and will require much more sanding but you may not get the desired effect (from experience).

    2nd Vacuum & use a tack clothe to remove the remaining dust. Sand more as necessary & repeat.

    3rd Choose your stain. Your best bet is to match the existing stain or go darker. A lighter stain will darken with the existing stain depending on how much of the surface has still been penetrated.

    A final word on your sanding. If you use a belt sander be very careful the edges of the belt do not gouge the wood. Also, a rotory sander will leave tiny little circles that will show in the final stain so you must sand by hand WITH THE GRAIN using very fine sand paper in your final step to make sure you have no surface imperfections that will show after you stain the wood.

    If you take your time I'm sure you'll come out with a final product that you can enjoy.


  • StaceyWyatt22nd April, 2003

    Fellow Investor,

    If you have never finished hardwood floors before I recommend hiring a professional. It is not liking painting a wall or hanging drywall, trust me I am a contractor and I always sub it out.

    Also, a senior investor gave me a great bit of advice after he saw how much Sweat Equity I put into my first deal...


    Hope this helps! Best of Luck!

  • jlewis48023rd April, 2003

    thanks for the great replies and Stacey I see that you are in hotlanta can you give me the name and number of the contractor that you use to refinish your floors thanks in advance

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