Refinishing Hardwood Floors -- Smaller Room

I'm looking at refinishing a smaller bedroom's (10x13) hardwood floor. I don't really want to rent a big drum sander for just a little room...does anybody know of an easy way to refinish a smaller bedroom? The floor needs to be taken down to the wood (goudges from old closet door tracks, old tack strip holes, a few other gouges)...

Anybody have any advice for me?

Thanks alot!


  • feltman17th December, 2004

    I've used small belt sanders before but ONLY in rentals as after my wife saw how wavy the floor ended up she won't even let me bring the sander into our home!

    seriously, after that fiasco, i'd invest the $50 in a sander.

  • mikejaquish18th December, 2004

    Yeah, what feltman said.

    The sanders and the quality + labor savings are what put the profit in hardwood.
    Don't forget the edge sander for the tack strip nails.

    Or, you may be able to hire a feller to work on the side just doing the sanding, and you do the finish.

  • kfran123418th December, 2004

    You can rent a square random orbit floor sander that would be easier to manuever in a small room. They usually call it a square buff I think. It doesn't take the floor down as quickly as a drum sander, but might be just the thing for a smaller room.

  • rmdane200018th December, 2004

    yeah, its not about saving $50, its about #1 dragging a drum sander into the house, up the stairs, back to the hardware store, etc., and #2 manuvering a drum sander in the room...i'll have to check that out. Thanks.

  • kenmax18th December, 2004

    i don't that but will not do it again. i'll pay first but if you insisted get the best eq. available. if you "skimp" you'll pay on your labor and job quality. if its for rental that ok but if its for resale you'll be "kicking" yourself if you don't have a pro do

  • LadyGrey19th December, 2004

    In my experience with refinishing hardwoods, belt and drum sanders tend to leave waves and divots. Random orbits do the best job. They do make smaller hand-held orbits, but where to find them to rent would depend on the size and selection of your rental place. To sand a room like this by hand takes a lot of labor hours. One rule of thumb to remember is that the smaller the sander you use (whether hand or electric device) the more likely you are to leave holes, divots, ect. I'd splerge for the bigger orbital and ensure you do the job right.
    Hope this helps.

  • rmdane200020th December, 2004

    Sorry for my inapproriate response smile

    I was referring to anyone that said anything other than "using a drum sander is the only way and to even think about doing it any other way is just stupid"

    I will maintain, that a 10x13 "ROOM" is small, i never said small area, i said small room... smile

    Thanks for the help everybodfy.

    Happy Holidays.
    Merry Christmas.

  • mikejaquish20th December, 2004

    I'll tell you what, Man.

    After reading that stuff from the Bird Union guy, I think I'd drop the "Chicken" idea.

    But that's just me.

  • InActive_Account21st December, 2004

    That friggin bird union has been a thorn in my side for years! I finally go the ACLU to drop its case against me for paying migrant fowl workers under the table what they considered slave wages and violating their civil rights and now the damn bird union is on me again!

    Damn you Foghorn Leghorn! Where is a good chicken hawk when you need one!

  • grexley22nd January, 2005

    If the floor is just dull or has minor scratches, you should consider chemically refinishing it. It takes much less time and for a room that size and will only cost you $60. Varathane sells a complete kit for doing it at Lowes. You don't have to rent any equipment; the chemicals they give you eat the top layer off the floor, and you then apply a new top coat. I just did 5 rooms in a house with it. The were worn, slightly scratched, but not seriously gouged. It saved me a lot of time and a lot more money, and they look really good.

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