Refinance And Transer Deed

The tenant living in my rental property has lived there for a year and a half and would now like to purchase the property. Their lending company says they are processing the loan as a refinance. How does this work? Is it possible?


  • fbprop19th June, 2006

    I am not a mortgage broker and definately not an expert on mortgages but I do read various forums for information. On the mortgage forum at creditboards it has been stated repeatedly that a tenant purchasing a property with over one years rent checks can do it as a refinance. Pretty much the basis of lease-option as well where the lessee will "refinance" the purchase after a year ....

  • egbenj19th June, 2006

    Thanks for those comments. The broker did mention that he will handle this like a lease option since the tenant has been there for over a year.

    This is a new concept for me and I just wanted to run it by the experts!

  • NewKidInTown319th June, 2006

    Which lender is doing this in MD?

  • egbenj17th August, 2006


    Finally got that deal closed. The broker was getting creative as some of you suggested. The day of the closing, the underwriting department actually though this was a refi. The broker admitted that he got this loan pushed through basically as a favor.

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