Real Estate!!!!!

Hell-o all hope all is well!!
I had a question about buying foreclosures Subject two,,,when it come s time to sell would it be a good Idea to use a realator..I'm thinking that he might be able to sell it pretty fast..He told me that he would only charge me 3% of selling price..He would do all the paper work ( besides the buying it part,, that would be all me..) since I'm kinda new and nevous I think it might be a good Idea,,,,,,,but I wanted to ask you all since I know you've all been there and done that..............I tried to talk to realestate Attorneys but they all acted like they have never head of subject two or any other kind of creative investing.. I felt as though I was smarter that an Attorney,,Kinda felt funny Trying to teach them something that I though they would all know....I even had one tell me that I can't sell a home that was deeded to me and make a profit... wierd hu !!!!!!!!! Any way thak you for all your time and thoughts .......................................................................MD <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif"> [ Edited by mjdreal on Date 12/10/2003 ]


  • NightShade210th December, 2003

    1. Don't try to teach an attorney. They're all too busy to listen. Keep calling them ALL until you find one that knows what you're trying to do.

    2. 3% of your deal... Is it worth it? How fast do you need to sell? How much time do you have to show it? Noone here can answer that for you...

    You should grab a book on how to sell yourself, and see if that's something you're interested in.

    And then consider your price range. 3% of a $50k house is well worth it. 3% of a $500k house is a lot of profit to lose.

    One last thing. Sounds like he's trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Sure, he'll "only" charge you 3%... But if the buyer has an agent, they're charging 3% as well.

  • ahabion11th December, 2003

    my opinion is to sell it yourself... many more people are looking to buy from owners themselves rather than a realtor... they feel more secure of where the money is going... there is no 3rd party involved... also i really think that you can probably market your house a lot more efficiently by yourself than your realtor... sure they'll list it and it goes into the MLS... then what??? show a pretty picture on some Real Estate Weekly booklet... i think the homebuyer is looking more in the classifieds than in the RE booklets..

    send out flyers... send out emails... let ppl know you have this property your trying to get rid of. your bound to get something...

    jus a thought.


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