Real Estate-Problem Solving Using Land Trusts!

When You finally get an opportunity to talk with a Seller you will want to be certain that they first, are truly MOTIVATED to sell and then...

Your only convincing should be aimed at Solving their pre-Foreclosure or Landlord Management PROBLEM.

You'll begin this by Learning to Determine Their PAIN: (Examples)

- HIGH Monthly Payments?

- Behind on their note?

- Ugly House?

- BAD Tenants?

- TAX Liens or

- CREDITOR Judgments?

Whatever their problem is, you want to know it, CONCENTRATE on it, revolve all your SOLUTIONS around it, and always TALK about what They'd Like to See Happen by your solving it!

And that means telling them what you can make happen for THEM -

"I will bring your loan current by paying up all of your missed payments!"

"I will take care of all your tenant problems and guarantee the rents and/or pay 100% of any repairs!"

If they should ask me: "How???" then and only then would I go into any detail. And even then that would be limited!

I'd say:

"My Attorney will create a living trust for you in your name to protect the property and our deal."

And that's it!!!

I keep it simple cuz I want to buy a home not teach them a class on the PAC or Equity Holding land Trust(tm)!

Unless the person seems to be capable of absorbing much more, however; these people usually can deal with their own pain and really don't need me!

I prefer to acquire property from sellers whom know they want what I represent and truly believe that selling to me is the BEST SOLUTION TO THEIR PROPERTY PROBLEMS!

I hope this helps!

Derrick Ali

"Get my benefits chart free with purchase of the new 'Quick Start to REI Success' eBook!"


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