Real Estate Offers vs. Real Estate Wishes

Real Estate Investing is a numbers game. Only the difference is 'offers' are 'wishes' if you are talking to a seller and then leave with your 'offer' behind you.

I do not make a 'wish' and hope someone says yes. I make my presentation to the seller and close the deal right then and there.

I am in the Subject To business, so there is no 'look over my offer', 'call me when you decide', etc. I am there at the sellers house for one reason and that is to buy the house if it is a win/win situation for everyone.

Wasting those numbers by not closing and making offers puts the number percentages in the 'also ran' category of investors.

So I would ask the question with "how many deals did you close today?" not "how many offers did you make today". Did you convince the seller they can use your help? They did need your help would be a more positive way at looking at those precious 'numbers' once gone into the never, never land of 'offers' very unlikely to ever return profits for you.

In all fairness I am unaware of what type of investing some of the posters here do, so maybe they do have to make an offer to a lender or mortgage holder.

I hope my 'offer' of advice makes sense the next time you think about making an 'offer' to a seller.

John $Cash$ Locke


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