Real Estate Investor

HAs anyone heard of James Smith. He came to Portland today and spoke about real estate investing. He provides a 3 day real estate training camp but I have never heard about him before. oh oh


  • Lufos9th November, 2003

    James Smith,

    I have no knowledge of this gentlemen, there are many people who have been active in real estate but are unknown. It is fairly recently what with the big losses in the market that more and more people are returning to real estate. In christianity are many churches, so is it in real estate. Many prophets shall come forth but most are untrue.

    You must understand that in all remembered time, under all is the land and permanent wealth is based on it.

    Since the first bully emerged and straddled a trail and announced that it was his by right of might and that all who there passed shall present tribute for the right of passage. His hut turned into a house and from a house a castle, but all wealth came from the sword and it in turn created power and control over land.
    In the end it was land that became the symbol of wealth. Thus was born a ruling class and from that a nobility.

    Oh God. It was boring. Yet a truth. I read a hundred more books just as boring. Land Economics. Psy. Theory of Motivation, Empathy a passage way for Action. etc. etc. Medievel Land usage. The Three Field System. etc. etc.

    To my mind, I would say there is enough reference material on this site. Why look elsewhere. Gobble up and then step outside and begin.

    Knock on the first www.door.of a person in default. " Hi there, I understand you are in foreclosure, your husband has left you for another man and your 16 year old daughter has run away with the dog and you are afraid they are intimate. Your son is peddling nickel bags on the school grounds and getting ready to expand his marketing base. I am here to help you solve all of these problems and for a first positive action sign this Grant Deed. Purely by chance I am a Notary, and now for your second positive act. Please take this gun and kill yourself. Thank you , outside if you please and would you mind walking down to the end of the block, noise is a bother to my ears."

    Would you follow such advice? Of course not. Nobody is going to walk that far away just to kill themselves.

    You know I have read and read and read.
    New York Univ. Georgetown Univ. Oxford, Cambridge, American Univ in Bierut. Command and Staff School, War College,

    I learned more just talking to a really experienced Real Estate Person. . I watched him, learned from him. I asked a million questions. I started just doing it. Screwed up, made a fool of myself but I had a lot to unlearn. I took the Real Estate License became a salesman, a mortgage loan officer, Did property management cause the manager got loaded and could not perform. I went to court, filed unlawful detainers. www.etc.etc. I learned. and I gathered properties. But I was lucky I had that old man to ask and almost every night I asked and asked.

    Now Fromorat from Vancouver Wash. I want you to go find where they post the notices for the beginning of a foreclosure. I want you to copy all the info down and I want you to go knock on that door and whoever answers that door, I want you to do your best to solve that persons problem. Forget the money this is OJT (On Job Training). Anything you run into that you cannot work out come on line and ask. Lots of heavy hitters on this site and they will answer your questions.

    Start with one small timid knock on the door. Then come and post and tell us what happened. Lets first work on solving a foreclosure problem. Get the facts and puzzle out the solution.

    I await your return Lucius

  • fromorat9th November, 2003

    I am gratefull for your words of wisdom. I guess I'll need to get out ther nocking on doors pretty soon.

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