Real Estate Investor Guerilla Marketing

In the midst of a rising dawn, the Future Queen of Real Estate is getting into her 10 Year old Honda, heading out to cruise neighborhoods to door-knock on Foreclosure addresses she just downloaded off the Internet.

In her own passionate and determined way Ms. Real Estate is really unsure of exactly what today’s house hunt will bring her; But 'Oh the Thrill of the Hunt!' Yes indeed the Passion — fuel which RE Investors are never exhausted — sees her through.

So Derrick tell us what's wrong with this Movie?

Ever heard of a Marketing Strategy and/or Marketing Plan?

If these ideas ever come up at all it's usually confused with the placing of a "WE BUY HOMES" classified ad. Then boom — Real Estate purchase & sales shoot through the roof.

OK Now, let’s get back to the Block!!!

Quite often, real estate investors who are anxious about getting started and lured by the call of EZ Money …tend to confuse the definitions of advertising and marketing.

And also, that of PR (public relations) and Promotions and Marketing. These are all separate functions which form a business strategy.

The reasons why RE Investors confuse these functions is due to the fact that Advertising is the most common form of the marketing mix and is almost always in your face (i.e. TV, Newspaper, Billboards, Designer Clothing Logos, Bumper-stickers, etc.)

There are a lot of distractions out there and they all compete for the attention of your intended audience. Researchers estimate that in America on any given day the average amount of advertising messages that a person is exposed to comes to 2,500 (or higher.)

If you advertise and there's no unique selling proposition nor clearly defined target for your ad that separates you from the bunch, then you've lost not only money, but also the ability to close deals from all of those prospects you neglected to attract.

MORAL: Develop a solidly CLEAR reason WHY a prospect should buy from and/or sell to YOU?

Your draft should be no more than seven words long or no fewer than four.

List all of the benefits that you will offer.

Jot down what they ultimately do for the buyer/seller that others aren't already saying in their Ads.

Groups these benefits (words) into a logically seven word sentence that represents (says something) YOU will Uniquely resonate in all of your marketing and advertising!

That's it-- just pull together all of the above and you will single-handedly create your own corporate Motto!

Can you guess these USPs?:

Have it Your Way...

We Do It All For You...

Finger Licking good...

It's the Real Thing...

Choice for a New Generation...

Quicker Picker Upper...

The Uncola...

What's in your Wallet...

And the list goes on!

I hope you enjoyed this article as well as my others.

Should you have any questions on marketing or anything else related to RE Investing please do not hesitate to post them here on TCI!


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