Real Estate Investor Business Plan

Did anyone purchase Steve cook business plan? What do you think about it? Do hard money lender usually ask for business plan? I'm thinking of rehabbing, and I am wondering if buying Steve Cook business plan would help.



  • investing4u2nd January, 2005

    I actually did not need a business plan and the process was quick. Email me at **Please See My Profile** and I will provide the details to you.


  • sweetangel2nd January, 2005

    hi investing4u,

    Thanks for the reply. Can you give me the detail?
    I'm trying to send you a private message but this website would not allow me.

    Do you have a good experience with hard money lenders? I'm interested of flipping or rehabbing properties. some hardmoney lenders requires 3 mos. of bank statement. If I don't have to use my own money to do rehabbing because they let you borrow the money for rehabbing, and they will let you borrow the closing cost too, why do I need to show them that I have money in the bank??? grin

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