Real Estate Investing

Could anybody tell me the best way to begin investing in real estate. I am brand new to real estate investing. I do not presently own any properties. My credit score is fair. My biggest credit obstacle is a hugh student loan obligation. Any ideas, or suggestions.


  • omicron300011th September, 2008

    Well, I am also dealing with student loan debt. The key thing to understand, is that investing in real estate is holding real estate, this includes estates and that is how dead people make money in real estate.

    True Real Estate Investing
    By holding property, you need to make sure you have a solid plan on how long you will hold it, and whether you are obtaining some sort of positive cash flow. You can also hold land, as well.

    Real Estate Dealer
    Real estate dealing is when you are buying and selling actual real property, for retail/wholesale sales. Many call this term flipping(I hate that term) houses, which can be highly speculative as well, since you are never completely guaranteed to sell the property. This is real estate developing, and the government gives you incentives in which you will be fix up and sell property tax free.

    Real Estate Contract Dealer
    Another part of this business would be real estate contract business (or the assignment of contracts). Many people call this Wholesaling real estate, and it is not Wholesaling Real Estate, since you are only assigning the contract, ways to do this:

    Sell Contracts at Wholesale Value
    1.) Property Locators for Rehabbers
    Find a rehabber, assign contracts for ugly or light rehab property they are looking for, be specific with the type of property they are looking for, including minimum sq footage, zip code, whether the home is detached, what neighborhood,
    2.)Assign land trusts after getting short sale approved
    for preforeclosures

    Sell Contracts at Retail Value
    3.)Assign contracts, by selling contract for luxury homes at highest bidder

    On 2008-09-11 13:52, phil0155 wrote:
    Could anybody tell me the best way to begin investing in real estate. I am brand new to real estate investing. I do not presently own any properties. My credit score is fair. My biggest credit obstacle is a hugh student loan obligation. Any ideas, or suggestions.

  • phil015512th September, 2008

    Thanks for the response omicron 3000. It seems as though you have been investing for a while. How did you get started? And what would you recommend I do to get started?

  • phil01559th October, 2008

    Thanks for the reply. I have a question, do hard money lenders charge a higher interest rate than do private money lenders? And, what are some good sources for both?

  • burn000311th August, 2009

    If you want to know about secrets and tricks of real estate investing, you can ask from experts. Books, CDROM course and training course in online are available to get valuable information about real estate market. I got CDROM course from Commercial Real Estate Investors Blueprint and now I came to know more secrets about real estate investing from that CDROM course. You can also check out that site if you have interest to know the secrets of real estate market.

    Alara Cockburn

  • savana21st July, 2011

    Real estate, usually residential real estate that one purchases with the intent of earning from it. That is, investment real estate is real estate purchased with the intent of renting it, selling at a higher price, or using for almost any purpose other than using it as a residence.

  • cjmazur24th November, 2011

    never heard of an OEIC.

    Are you referring to a UK structure?

  • joemacam2nd March, 2012

    Both commercial and residential real estate properties could be a [B]good investment[/B] as long as you determine its appropriate location.

  • mronhifi1232nd May, 2012

    How you get started depends on you, and mainly your finances, and credit (very hard to get loans with at least a 600 or higher score). The assignment business which many call wholesaling is not, you can sell the contract at a close to retail price (works with luxury homes). I am trying to perfect this method.

  • Stockpro992nd May, 2012

    I agree with Dogbrain, the best place to start would be to seek out your local investor association and join. Attend some meetings and see what appeals to you the most and start talking to other members who are doing what you want to do.

    Often you can work under an investor who is successful as a bird dog and learn to do what they are doing. IF you do what they do then you will be successful.

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