Real Estate Investing Marketing When Selling Properties

Whether you are buying or selling houses, your real estate investing business must be driven by marketing and generating leads that either sell you houses or buy your houses.

This article focuses on marketing properties that you have for sale and how to reach out to potential buyers and sell your houses fast.

We assume that you have prepared your house for sale. This may involve staging, general cleanup and presenting it in a way potential buyers will get interested.

You need to get a few things in place:

1) Get a real estate investing web site

You must have a stage for presenting your properties. This purpose is served by a good real estate investing website.

As you describe your properties from your website, you can pictures, and necessary paperwork. You can also present your properties by video virtual tours.

The staging platform for your properties is real estate investing website.

Check the end of this article for a good recommended website.

2) Build a buyers list

A list of people looking to buy properties in your local market is called a buyers list. Once again, you must have a real estate investor website for this to manage the list and send out your emails.

3) Target your market

You must target your marketing to a geographical region. Most likely you will want to target the immediate neighborhood more aggressively than places farther away.

4) Humanize your marketing message

Do not describe your property like a thing. Describe its unique features and how they appeal to the needs of the buyer.

Show a buyer how these features will help them. Instead of saying located near a school or park, say something like "your kids can walk to the nearby elementary school or play in the nearby park".

Bring out the benefits rather than features, and appeal to the emotional psychology rather than reasoning.

5) Advertise everywhere

Target both old fashioned newspaper readers and people who search the internet for properties.

You must start by sending out the property to your buyers list. Your buyers list contains people who are looking to buy in your local area. Do not be surprised if you get your buyers here.

Target all marketing websites like Craigslist, Kijiji, etc.

Social media like Twitter, Facebook, etc are very important.

Target your local newspapers, signs in front of your property, leaflets in your community bulletin boards, bandit signs if your city allows it.

And always make sure you send them to your website to view full property details. From your website, they can join your buyers list.

6) Review your marketing

Always have a way to determine the success or failure of your marketing and to change at a moment's notice.

Remember marketing is a numbers game. Good luck selling your properties!

No matter what your real estate investing business model is, your real estate investing business can be more efficient so you spend less time, money and effort closing more deals. Learn how you can manage all aspects of real estate investing and automate your business from a real estate investor website that runs real estate investing. Visit:


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