Real Estate Flipping Shows, Good Or Bad For The Industry?

With all the hype and buzz going around about flipping houses and all these new T.V. shows popping up it seems like its becoming too trendy. Just about every newspaper or magazine i pick up has an article about someone flipping houses or making 100k in three weeks and really hyping this up. I hope this doesnt end bad like everything else that becomes very popular, or maybe the real players will prevail and all the people who are just jumping on the bandwagon will die off. Im interested in hearing what people think about these shows affect on our business and whether its a good thing or a bad thing.


  • worknomore11th October, 2005

    Check out this months "People" magazine. They have an article in there regarding a lady named Ann Fulmer who fought against investors illegally flipping properties in Atlanta.

    Apparantly houses in that particular subdivision were trading hands the same day for $100k more. Very interesting article on collusion and property flipping.

  • IBuyHousesInc17th October, 2005

    Which is why its important to associate yourself with organizations that will guide you through the process.

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