Real Estate Agents

I have a few rental properies I've had for a while and looking to aquire more. My question - Do you use real estate agents? and if so, how many to you try to use? Should I find one I feel comfortable with or try to have multiple agents working for me? Just looking for your tips - thanks.


  • rup19th December, 2003

    I am an agent now, but I still use other agents to find property. The more eyes, the better!

    Before I became an agent, I had three really good agents feeding me leads and the one who performed the best would get my listings.

    Just make sure that they each know that you are using multiple buyers agents and that they only get paid on deals they personally bring you. Some will be ok with that others will not want to work with you because they want the whole pie. (Greedy and short sighted!)

    -Rup[ Edited by rup on Date 12/19/2003 ]

  • pejames21st December, 2003

    Excellent advice rup! I also have 1 Realtor that I use now and I will be looking for others to expand my base. It is very important to be up front with them about your intentions and if they don't like it, move on. Not everyone you talk to will want to work with you, just like not every seller is not motivated. Good luck!

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