Real Answers

I'm a newbie at all this and observation is that there are more newbie's like my self here than pro's. Some of the more pressing questions go unanswered but the ones like help me I'm just starting get 50 replies. Where are the gurus??? confused


  • JohnLocke26th January, 2004


    Where specifically do you feel that posts are not being answered and example would cetainly be helpful in answering your question.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • wishbonejones26th January, 2004

    I don't think that is the case at all. There is a whole lot of wisdom floating around here from people who are out and about trying to make things happen. Even if we are all not GURUS yet, we are on our way.

    I just think it is great to have people willing to discuss REI. I can't find that in my life. Everybody wants to reap the benifits that come from investing, but none of them want to put in the work it takes to make it happen.

    I feel honored to be part of this site!

  • telemon26th January, 2004

    I think this site is full of real answers. What "pressing" issues are not being responded to?

  • jstoub126th January, 2004

    I must say that any site with a free registration and free advice from seasoned professionals is more than worth it's weight in gold! I have learned more from this site in the last few months than I could in 50 real-estate investing books.

    Perhaps questions go unanswered because they aren't worded properly, or the topic doesn't attract the responses. Even with forums, sometimes it's about advertising the right way. Good luck!

    Thanks to all the pros who take the time to help us newbies with advice that they have no responsibility to give. We all know that you're taking time from your busy professional lives to offer your wisdom, and I, for one, very much appreciate it!

  • Gonzo26th January, 2004

    Talk about 2 cents worth a million.

    Gurus and all who know your stuff keep putting your 2 cents worth we can all use the millions.

    Gonzo [ Edited by Gonzo on Date 01/26/2004 ]

  • killenjw26th January, 2004


    A gentleman I knew once told me to take a deep breath look at the situation and realize that if it falls through the next one will come. I have watched every deal I have put together in the last 6 months fall apart at the seems. You know what I did? I put together a new deal. Read the post on the site ask Mr. Locke his advice and learn from the mistakes of the other new guys (and Gals) on the site. Sounds to me like you need to relax and soak up some more information. Look in your local paper if you are looking for foreclosures under the legal section. If you are truely serious and you have investors lined up your Newspaper is an invaluable source of publicity. Talk to some co-workers put up some business cards and all in all be persistant. You can also go on the internet and depending on your area you may be able to find geographic information using a spatial data explorer or GIS server. Good luck and keep your head up. Lord knows I have and I will be successful at this if it kills me.


  • mark102826th January, 2004

    AMEN on that! I am SO grateful for this site. It has been more helpful than many books, although I've read some and will continue to read. I am SO thankful!!
    THANKS to all..............

  • Stockpro9926th January, 2004

    I would say there are real answers for "real" questions. Have you asked any

    Often I see, "please dad, spoon feed me and do everything for me".

    Good articulate questions get good answers.

    There is a wealth of information on this and other sites, have you read the articles especially?


  • InActive_Account26th January, 2004

    The pro's on this site offer very good www.advice.If you want someone to hold your hand join your local REI club and find a mentor.

  • JeffAdams26th January, 2004

    You know BJ:
    There are people on here that know more about the Guru's out there that advertise on TV. Believe me. You've got
    John Locke, Rajwarrior, Shortsalespro
    and BAMZ that should be charging for
    their advice and people are getting it for
    free. Only in America!

    I wish I had this service available to me when I first started out!

    Jeffrey Adam

    "The only place success comes before work
    is in the dictionary."

    [ Edited by JeffreyAdam on Date 01/26/2004 ][ Edited by JeffreyAdam on Date 01/27/2004 ]

  • InActive_Account27th January, 2004

    Dear Bj2964- This site is great because you have people in every stage of the game, with a variety of experience, willing to help each other. But you have to be able to help yourself first. It sounds like you need to figure out what you want from this resource. Have you read all the articles to see if your questions can be answered there? Have you looked in the past forum's to see if there are posts that you could learn from? And if you had 20 such 'guru's' (who are on this site, believe me) waiting to answer your question(s), what exactly would you ask?

  • bj296427th January, 2004

    Thanks for all the responces, and now that you all are listning, I know there are many other sites out there but this one in by far the best by comparason. I want to say thanks to all who tell the truth here, on this site and will at least feel they can share information with us little people.

    Bless You!

  • drspencer27th January, 2004

    Drop me private message when you get a few minutes. I'm also in the Decatur area and I'd like to know a little more about what you're looking for.

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