RE Agent Removal

I've read some posts and a course, where we get the seller to end the Listing with a form letter.

I've also read Listing Agreements and they say a commission will be paid, sometimes even after the listing ends.

Can a cancellation letter work that well?

[ Edited by fearnsa on Date 04/26/2004 ]


  • rickpozos26th April, 2004

    The real estate agent usually wants to sell the property at or near market price. They will try to convince the owner that is what the home should sell for. Sometimes they will do this up until the time that the mortgage company forecloses on the property.

    Get rid of the agent and buy directly from the owner. The owner is the one who knows what is really going on with the house.

    Have the homeowner write a letter that they want to cancel the listing immediately. DO NOT let the homeowner tell the agent that they have another buyer. Of course they will want their commission. Have the agent go away, they will forget all about the home in a few days, then buy the home from the homeowner, simple as that.

  • fearnsa26th April, 2004

    Thanks so much, rickpozos. Funny what you eluded to, about realtors "convincin' until foreclosin'."

    I guess as long as no negotiations are entered into, it's fine to fire a realtor.

    Could a good answer for a homeowner to give a realtor if confronted be:

    (Realtor) There are still 45 days left, and you entered into a contract...Have you been talking to another buyer?

    (Homeowner) It would be illegal to enter into negotiations with a buyer under our contract. AIso I'm allowed to end our contract at any time. Thanks!

    Do I have it right?

    Alan[ Edited by fearnsa on Date 04/26/2004 ]

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