RE Agent Question Or Advice

I am also a re agent and what I would like to do is try and negotiate short sales under a business name. Once I gain acceptance of a short sale and gain possession, would I be able to sell the house myself as a re agent or would I have to use someone in my office. Not sure of how to work where it would be more beneficial for myself. Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • ryand28th February, 2005

    I know somebody who was in this situation. They do list their own properties with a bit of a loophole.

    she creates a Land Trust and makes her mother or friend trustee and her business the beneficiary. This way she tech. isnt listing her own property and cannot get into any trouble.

    This is great because she makes money on her own commission and on the sale itself. I know they (CT board of realtors) gave her a little grief but there is nothing they can do.

    You might want to look into doing this and make sure you get somebody else as trustee.


  • pmatheson128th February, 2005

    I have sold more than 40 properties that I was in title to. I put "Seller is a licensed Real Estatr Broker dealing for his own account". Never a problem!

  • ryand27th February, 2005

    you could try to get the husband to quit claim it to the wife.

  • ZinOrganization28th February, 2005

    damn edit button doesnt work.

    make sure your very carefull when dealing with people like that. chances are if they were fraudelent once they will do it again. meaning look out for yourself. dont offer any money upfront. only when the deed is signed over and hes out of the house for good, and locks have been changed.

    good luck, it seems you will need it.[ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 02/28/2005 ]

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