Voice Mail And FAX Systems
Anyone have any knowledge of voice mail systems or fax systems.
I have several rentals and want to record a several minute messag about the rental and qualifications. I do not want them to leave a message. At the end of my message I would give them my cell phone number. Maybe an ability to send a FAX also, but that would just be gravy. IF it is cheap enough I would love to have one per rental.
Also want to have an fax number that could forward me my faxes via email in a pdf format.
Any experiences with the products or companies out there would be appreciated.
I have an e-fax through AOL
did you sign up through AOL or did you sign up through another company. has your experience been good?
I know there is a toll free service that you can allow your customers to call into and enter an extention. That extention sends them to a message you have left and also gives them the ability to leave their name and number if they want more info. It also tracks the caller ID from the phone that calls in and gives you a log which is especially helpful for property purchase leads.
I know that the company that does it is called Paragon but I have yet to find their website.
I use efax for my faxing.
as far as the fax info, try e-fax. It's free. If you want a number that's local to you, it costs a little, but not much. they have a fax reader that you can download, and use to view, Print, and/or store for future reference. They'll also notify you via e-mail when you have a fax to view.
There are some cell phones that you can send faxes to. The phone saves the fax, and you can forward it to a fax machine.
I use a phone line (only one phone line total) that uses a different phone number and ring tone that my fax machine recognizes so that I use only one phone line for my telephone, fax, and DSL. works well for me.
want to take a real estate course. i've seen so many places online, but don't know which ones are worth paying. can you give me the heads up
I'm in that business in Texas, but the 'guru" in Florida is Roy Emmett at 772-288-0101.
Tell him hello for me.
I have an efax through faxaway . Its like $1 a month and free to recieve.. and 10c a minute to send. Had it for over a year, never had any issues. Have found it much better than eFax or J2.