Rajwarrior, It Was An Ad.

The following repy by PM to me pretty well sums up what Rajwarrior said to start out with.

It was never about what Lucius did or did not do with licensing etc., it is about an article was allowed to remain after one of the top Moderators said it was an ad.

All this article has done is lessen the credibility of moderators and posters and serves no purpose what so ever by remaining on this board.

Dear John,

I have only one question for you, have you or has any member of your organization at this time or at any prior time solicited a service or a product from members of this site. That is my question to you.

$ - Trying to justify his advertising, let's see I am a Channel Partner who has a product for sale and have authorization to sell my product. however I pay for the privlage, Lucius didn't."

I was solicited by persons who had contacted me in response to my postings. I was also solicited by persons who had read my postings that you and others on this site had sold to other sites.

$ - I don't follow this on because I have sold nothing to other sites from this site."

I was also contacted by the attorneys from several other investors who have read my postings. They wished to invest and we declined. Also for your information I was also contacted by two different groups of Venture Capitalists who also read my postings and wanted to participate and offered to finance the entire project. Of course they wanted control at the point of the upcoming IPO which we figured would occur at or around the 200 unit level.

$ - They read his postings and contacted him, more evidence that it was an ad or why would they contact him?

I have at the present a total of six investors and none of them for large sums as we have figured that it is in view of our bank support not necessary to sell any of the 80 units.We have decided to just build on a one by one basis for the first 20 or so. These first 100 will be built for profit to accumulate profit with which to swing to small mobile factory built production. We have decided just to limit our scope and just do Los Angeles and San Francisco. My purpose in laying out the full plan on the web was to stimulate some of our posters to lead their own companies in their areas of interest After all I am 82 and in our little group are also others of an advanced age.

$ - In his article I saw no where that he prompted this action be taken "My purpose in laying out the full plan on the web was to stimulate some of our posters to lead their own companies in their areas of interest"

Of the present participators three of them came on the site because I suggested that here was a really good source for Creative Investing in Real Estate.

$ - We already know others turned him down, so I guess only 3 decided to answer his ad and invest.

John, if you read my postings they re not ads.

$ - The Deal Shop article why were all those members posting their telephone numbers and email addresses.

We do not need any publicity. Our purpose was only to present a plan which is applicable to the present condtition of real estate and while very profitable is also something that any person of normal knowledge can also do. 'WE want them to do this in their areas of interest. Myself, Jeff, Olga and the others will limit ourselves to here on the West Coast. We will be building out in the County area of Los Angeles and Kern County. The financing from our own bank who have agreed to finance construction and allow conversion of the note and trust deed to a 30 year basis upon completion.

Yes it is true that I never reinstated my Contractors License which was for a General and a Plumbers License. I could have done this at any time, but I allowed a dear relative to utilize it. I covered their losses and I have her promise not to do it anymore. You might check my Real Estate License No 43498 . You will see an unblemished record all the way back to 1954. Hope their records go back that far.
By the way our new name is Modernistic Properties. MOre in keeping with what we will be building.

$ - I don't care about licenses or whatever, my point again, was this article posted to have people contact him about investing in his program.

I hope this answers all of your questions.
I hope the sell of your books and instructional material is doing well.

$ - He still hasn't figured out I pay for the privilage, he didn't.

"ASs you must know I have asked JOel on several occasions if he would like me to pay a fee for any material he deems of commercial value."

$ - If he wanted to pay, then he knew it was advertising.

Do come to the first cocktail party on completion of the first infill. I promise to have a proper cold beer.

Cheers Lucius


Roger, I did my best to have the Article deleted before it went where it did, I apologize to you, because I did not get the job done. Please don't walk away you are an attribute to this site as a Moderator and poster.



  • Stockpro9927th May, 2004

    [ Edited by Stockpro99 on Date 08/25/2004 ]

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