Quit Claim Deed

In our GA divorce decree over a year ago, I signed a quit claim deed, giving my ex-wife the house so that her and my children could live there. I did not deem it necessary then to have her refinance the house. I was supposed to have first right of refusal if selling of the house should occur. Last week, I received a notice saying that she had filed bankruptsy. What are my rights, any suggestions? Can a quit claim deed be voided since my mortgage company said that my name was still primary signer on the loan? mad


  • JohnLocke3rd November, 2002


    Glad to meet you.

    I am sorry your first post is one with this type of problem.

    Here is what I would do. I would contact the lender and explain the situation ask them what they would advise to help you keep the house. I believe that if any payment on a debt is paid after the BK filing then this debt comes out of the Bankruptsy. You are looking at saving your own credit because you are on the loan, even though you Quit Claimed the house over to your ex.

    With the information you recieve from the lender, then I would talk to the Bankruptsy Trustee handlng your ex-wifes case. See if he can help you in having your wife Quit Claim the house back to you if this is your goal.

    Of course the best thing to do is contact and Attorney for advice, but I would see if I could get a few questions answered before seeing an Attorney so in case you need one you could rely the information you have already gathered.

    Welcome on board this board, hope you much success in getting some answers.

    John $Cash$ Locke[ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 11/03/2002 ]

  • DerrickAli17th November, 2002

    JohnLocke as per Usual is K-Rekt!

    Make sure that when you do discuss this loan(especially if you are still on it) to be certain to get a name of who you spek with and a confirmation of What it is you agreed to on the call.

    Best to get an Email, Fax, Address, Extn, Dept. whatever to ensure you can cover your ASSets.

    Much Success to You!



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