Quiet Title Eliminates Federal Tax Liens

I apologize if these questions are elementary, but this is the first I have heard of Quiet Title and would like to understand how it works.

1. Do you go to a lawyer and get a "quiet title" before or after purchasing the property?

2. How long does it take to get a "quiet title"?

3. Even if the house has $100,000 with numerous federal Tax Liens, I can just get a "quiet title" and ALL of the Tax Liens will be wiped out?

4. What about the mortgages? Will a quiet title wipe out mortgages?


Mrs. Meltzer (from Georgia)


  • adambeal129th June, 2004

    I, too, have an interest in this. Anyone have an answer? Thanks in advance.


  • cjmazur29th June, 2004

    I think you may have misunderstood something other the person was a snake oil salesman.

    fed tax liens are basically good as gold.

    a 1st mortgage is a close 2nd.

    other liens have lower priorities.

    As anyone used this successfuly?

    Here is a description in CA.

    Generally speaking, a quiet title action is a remedy available for a person to clear title to real property against any kind of interest or adverse claim. "The purpose of the action is to eliminate the adverse claim and to establish, perfect, or 'quiet' the title of the property in one or more of the claimants." This action is different from one to remove a cloud on title by cancellation of an instrument or for reformation. 9 California Real Estate 2d 436, et seq. (Miller & Starr, 1990).

    An action for quiet title may be brought when one wants to establish title by adverse possession or acquire an easement by prescription.

    CAVEAT: Please consult an attorney for legal advice. Laws in the United States differ from one jurisdiction to another. Any law stated herein is for educational purposes only and may not apply to your particular circumstance.

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