Quick Question On Contract??

I'm curious to know if my wife's name needs to be on the contract when negotiating with preforclosure clients. Wife is all for me doing this and i don't keep anything away from her but she brought it up to me since she's a nurse her available time during the day is limited......so getting off work to notarize stuff wouldn't be to feasible for her.......would both of signatures be needed or could mine be sufficient??? any comments would be appreciated!!


  • InActive_Account11th February, 2004

    You can sign the contract "Amfel and or assigns". Your wife need not sign the original contract. Contracts don't need to be notorized. Notarization is only for things which you intend to recorded.
    If there's anything which needs to be notarized there's always an notary at a hospital.

    As soon as you're able, you need to consider forming a Corp/LLC. Preforeclosures can be quite litigious endevours.

  • NancyChadwick14th February, 2004

    I would just add here a general caution that you check out the law of your state about married persons buying/selling without their spouses joining in. I agree generally with sammyvegas on using the "and assigns" but I'm just saying that your wife may have to be at the settlement, depending on your state law.

  • JohnLocke14th February, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    Sammy is on target with this one, if you have an LLC or Corp you can set it up where you are the only one who needs to sign.

    The only way I see it applying to where your wife would have to sign is when you are purchasing in your name.

    If you do not have the funds to set up a corporate entity at this time I would recommend you set up a fiticious firm name or a dba/ (doing business as) Joe Smith dba/I Buy Houses.

    This is very easy to set up usually about 25 bucks at the court house. Then you can transfer over when you have a corporate entity set up, which you really should have for protection.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • amfels0714th February, 2004

    Excellent responses guys. ..... I'll definitely need to set up a LLC for our protection.........

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