Quick Qeustion

What are subject to's???


  • edmeyer2nd December, 2003

    These are purchases subject to existing financing. The seller still has the loan in his/her name. You can find out a lot from looking at the subject to forum. Also, John Locke has material on sub2 purchases that is very popular with the TCI crowd.

  • nebulousd2nd December, 2003

    Just in case you needed more


  • Brandon20022nd December, 2003

    that seems to be a question that gets asked around here a lot.

    Must be worth looking into.

  • crudy012nd December, 2003

    Thanks again you guys rock. I guess i need to step back and do some reading. Thanks for th article refs.

  • rcummings3rd December, 2003

    Also, try going to the "subject to" forum. Check out what questions people are asking, because they may be some of the questions that you will ask and at least you can get your knowledge from reading the other posts.

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