Quick Claim / Deed

I bought a home with my boyfriend but I paid the 20K down. Like a dummy I trusted him and put his name on the title. He was to pay me back 10K, he never did. Can I do a quick claim or quick deed to get his name off of the title? I'm in Calif. someone told me this was an option for me that since the title is in both of our names as joint tenants this is the forum used to change the names on a title. Once this is filed with the county it gets posted into the "Daily Recorder" newspaper and if the party doesn't respond to the requested change of names within 30 days it automatically changes. I just want to know if this is really true and if there is any loop hole, here? Any comments?
What's the difference between quick claim vrs. quick deed, or is there? confused


  • rickomarsh7th January, 2004

    The term for the deed that you are looking for is quitclaim. And yes you may be better off with him off the deed, the only catch is he will need to convey. Also you may want to record your new deed asap, as well you may want to let it sit unrecorded for a while.

  • JohnMerchant7th January, 2004

    No such thing as "Quick Claim Deed", never has been.

    And when someone's name is on a deed, the ONLY, ONLY, ONLY way to get him/her OFF, is having that person deed it to someone else....YOU can't deed for someone else, only yourself.

  • InActive_Account7th January, 2004

    Ah, sadder but wiser. Try to get him to quit claim the property to you. You may need to hire an investigator to find him and even have to give him a few more bucks to get him to convey the deed to you. This in the long run would be your cheapest approach.

    The ad in the newspaper idea comes from someone who's been smokin something.

    There's the Suit to Quiet Title approach but that's costly and time consumng. You could also do a Suit to Partition which would put the property up for sale with each party receiving half the proceeds.

    As hard as it is to do (and as easy as it is for me to say) try to keep this on a strictly business relationship and control to the extent possible your emotional feelings. There will be better days.

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