Questions On Hud

Is Hud more willing to deal when they reduce price? When Hud reduces price does it always go owner occupant first? Someone said that you can check to see what is being bid on a Hud property, I have Hud's site, but I only see that you can see what has been bid on property that has sold, if there is a way to see how much is being bid on a property not sold yet, could someone tell me where to go on their site. Thanks to anyone who answers!


  • JohnMichael10th October, 2004

    Go to

    You will see:
    Bid Results are sold properties
    Bid Statistics is only historical data of all bids received on each property but are not sold properties

    Normally, HUD Homes are sold in an "Offer Period." At the end of the Offer Period, all offers are opened and, basically, the highest bid is accepted. If the home isn't sold in the initial Offer Period.

    HUD Homes are initially offered on a priority basis to owner occupant purchasers (people who are buying the home as their primary residence). Following the priority period, unsold properties are then available to all buyers, including investors.

    Question: Is HUD more willing to deal when they reduce price?
    Answer: It all depends on the subject property and how long it has been in inventory.

    Question: When HUD reduces price does it always-go owner occupant first?
    Answer: Yes and No, it all depends on the subject property.

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