Questions For Current Bird Dogs

Good day everyone!

my question is geared toward individuals that are currently bird doggin'.

Are you doing it full time or part time? For those doing it full time, are you doing it until you find a full time job or is bird doggin' so profitable for you that you decided to do it full time? How many hours a week are you devoting to the activity?

For the part timers, if you have a day job (9 to 5), how do you organize your time to make room for bird dogging? What kind of action plan are you using to make bird doggin profitable for you? How many hours a week are you devoting to the activity?

Generally, how are you advertising your services to local investors? I ask this because of a recent experience that I had with an investor. I was reviewing the real estate section of the New York Times. As an exercise for myself, I decided to call an ad that said the standard "WE BUY HOUSES ANY CONDITION - CALL MR. SOMEBODY".

Of course I got a machine, I left my number and received a return call in 20 minutes. I asked the individual what type of houses they were looking for, price range if any and preferred locations. Since I am comfortable speaking to people, I was able to engage him in some idol chit chat for 2 - 3 minutes. Right after the chit chat, he told me that he was an investor and a broker and that what I was doing was illegal because I was neither a broker or licensed salesperson. I was not phased by the remark and my reply was equally cool. He backed off and then asked me to call should I come across anything interesting.

Have any of you received a similar reaction? I am especially interested in hearing from any NYC bird dogs.

Last question what % are your receiving for finding property? Thanks in advance for the reply.

[ Edited by ligem on Date 06/30/2003 ]


  • 30th June, 2003

    Good questions ligem....I would like to know if there are any investors in the So. Cal. area who are looking for Bird Dogs.


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