Hey, just like I promised a post for questions about bird dogging.

Fire away, everyone, I yeild the floor to all questions. I am not the resident expert, we know who that is $Cash$, but I will do my best to add my input. Also, everyone is expected to participate. Share you info and experiences for the good of everyone.

Let's grow and make money together!!!!

First question, Are there any bird-doggers in Florida? I have had two reply's on my website that are looking for property in florida and I would like to refer them to someone. surprised

Go get'em people!!!!!


  • dbow1723rd January, 2003


    As I emailed you earlier today, I was asking... what is the best way to learn how to understand what a property is worth? What rescources does everyone use? Obviously there is the assesment, and mrkt value, though how can I really grab ahold of the true value?

    An Avid Lifetime learner,

  • dbow1723rd January, 2003


    I'm pumped about the new BIRD-DOG NETWORK!!!!


  • windersnest23rd January, 2003

    I live in Florida. Tell me how to get started in birddogging.

    complete and utter newbie

  • 23rd January, 2003

    On 2003-01-23 14:38, windersnest wrote:
    I live in Florida. Tell me how to get started in birddogging. <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_smile.gif">

    complete and utter newbie

    Hey, bird-dogging is the best way for a newbie to get started if you were to ask me. This is because you will learn a wide variety of investment techniuqes and strategies. Oh yeah, also there is a low financial barrier of entry (the reason I am involved).

    First thing to do is order John $Cash$ Locke's course "Big-Bucks Bird-Dogging". It cost 48 bucks and comes as an ebook for immediate download.

    This is all you need to begin. After reading it, you will able to go out and begin working. Post questions here with the BIRD-DOG NETWORK and we will help you as much as possible. Also, J Locke will also help out alot. He is very helpful.

    Good Luck and post often.[ Edited by tcimoderator on Date 01/25/2003 ]

  • emoore23rd January, 2003

    I work in Miami FL and Orlando FL (Dade and Orange County)

    However, it sounds like you have 2 people who would be T/Bers. Although these are great to have for an investor, I don't think you can get anything out of it by turning it over to a birddog.

    Birddogs usually find the property and motivated sellers. TBers are usually very easy to find (especially in FL)


  • HoGiHung23rd January, 2003

    I'm a Bird Dog in Northern Florida - Jacksonville and St. Aug.

    I have had several calls in regards to my Bird Dog ad and have one guy lined up to do work for.


  • 25th January, 2003


    I really apologize. I sometimes work with my 3 year old on my lap and we erased the info of the investors from Florida.

    Again, I aplogize, if I get some more I will send them you way.

    By the way people, I am in Chicago, IL if you get any leads.

    To the furious persuit of happiness and wealth.....

  • gtrzndrums25th January, 2003

    Got my book and need to read it ten more times today. What are some things I could be doing right now to start rolling this thing out. I'm mainly looking for things that might be a pain in the @$$ that take time, so I can get those started early.

    I am a member of an REI club already, so that's done.


  • 25th January, 2003

    Take a look at the BIRD-DOG NETWORK for the list of things that was done in my initial stages.

    Not that this is the blueprint or anything. I am big on organization, so B-Plan would be my first step. Actually, a flow-chart of how you will operate. Pictures are very easy to follow and makes it easy to understand your system.

    Remember, busiensses are duplicable systems that are ran or executed by people.

    Easy definition of a business.

    Take it, run, and don't look back.

    To the furious persuit of happiness and wealth.....


  • buster25th January, 2003

    On 2003-01-25 12:57, furiousinc wrote:
    Take a look at the BIRD-DOG NETWORK for the list of things that was done in my initial stages.

    Not that this is the blueprint or anything. I am big on organization, so B-Plan would be my first step. Actually, a flow-chart of how you will operate. Pictures are very easy to follow and makes it easy to understand your system.

    Remember, busiensses are duplicable systems that are ran or executed by people.

    Easy definition of a business.

    Take it, run, and don't look back.

    To the furious persuit of happiness and wealth.....



    I agree, pictures are easy to follow and as they say can be worth a thousand words. Do you have your flow chart in a format that you could e-mail me a copy as an example? Thanks,


  • 25th January, 2003

    Hey Gary,

    I apologize, but I don't have the flowchart in a format that I can email it. However, I will make that my homework and try to get it to you this weekend.

    Be patient with me because it is the SuperBowl weekend and I have some beer drinking to do.

    Go Raiders!!

  • erickmonzo25th January, 2003

    I am the owner of a webiste design company and a local real estate investor in the metro detroit area. I stumbled onto this site and forum. Bird dog is a new term to me and from your forums sounds interesting , I am curious to find out where to get this book and maybe some realistic responses on potential income and working hours.


  • 25th January, 2003

    Hey Eric

    welcome to the site. We are glad to see you here.

    Bird-Dogging is simply finding properties for Real Estate Investors to purchase. One with a bird-dog service will have a list of clients or investors they represent and when they come in contact with a property that fits one of their investors criteria, they refer it to them.

    Seek-Find-Refer -----the life of a Bird-Dog

    How much money can you make? I don't know, how motivated are you?

    As far as getting the eBook on Bird-Dogging, click on the Partners link above, find John $Cash$ Locke's name, and double click. Scroll down and you can purchase his ebook right from the site. The cost is $48 bucks and well worth it.

    Post any questions you may have and we will answer them if we can.

    Good Luck

    "Any mistakes made through audacity can easily be rectified with more audacity."[ Edited by tcimoderator on Date 01/25/2003 ]

  • realestateprofit25th January, 2003


    I'm trying to formulate the price of my services. What i'd like to do is offer payment in the form of a percentage of final sale or $500, whichever is greater.

    The problem being that I don't see how I can do this (the percentage). For example, if the investor uses Sub-To as the strategy...then no real purchase is made.

    I could do a percentage of down payment..which would be better than the above scenario.

    Have any suggestions?


  • JohnLocke25th January, 2003


    As you progress you will look an investor in the eye and say this is what I want for this deal. Only smile when you say it podner.

    This is later on when you get a firm grasp of what you are doing and how valuable you become for your investors. Believe me you Bird-Doggers will become the back bone of this industry.

    I am very pleased to see some of you building web sites and networking with one another. Sharing with one another is important, keep your spirts high and your investors begging for more.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • realestateprofit25th January, 2003


    You like to fish? I think you should move over to North Carolina. I'll bird-dog for you and i'll show you all the good fishin' holes.

    By the way, I will be advertising locally for investors this week...but was wondering if this business could work with locations about an hour to hour and a half away? I'd like to advertise in Raleigh (bigger city = more prospects) and was wondering if investors would take to this? Have you run across anyone advertising outside of their area and whether or not they've had any luck?

    Of course I won't find out until I try...but just wanted your opinion.


  • 25th January, 2003

    That is a good question, huuummm.....

    I think that $500 is not getting your total worth. If you can find someone willing to sell their home Subject-To for you investor, then they are getting a house for nothing in essence. Maybe you could use a flat fee in this senario, I would say $1,000, but that is just me. If you are happy with the $500, then go with it.

    I charge 1% of the perchase price with a $500 minimum and $2,000 max. In the case of subject to purchases. In the case of subject to, I must come up with something. I like the flat fee, but maybe a little more.

    I will let you know what I come up with. In the mean time, if you make a decision before me, let me know. I like the down payment idea. Locke suggest 10% of the down payment as your fee. I guess that sounds fair.

    Fair is all we are looking for, right?


  • realestateprofit26th January, 2003


    I've always like the saying "two heads are better than one".

    Offer 1% of purchase price or $500 ($1000 does sound better) whichever is greater.

    Now, also add that in situatiions (such as sub-to's) where no purchase price is defined something like $500 to the minimum.

    Therefore if an investor wants sub-to type properties then the flat fee would be $1000. I would think that this should cover most transactions.

    Can you think of any other situations where this wouldn't apply?


  • 26th January, 2003

    Honestly, if you think about, even in Subject-To deals there is a price involved, the mortgage that is staying in place. You could use this price or $1,000, whichever is greater. Honesty, I like this better than anything.

    Other than the sub-to, there could be a lease-option, but there is a set price established there. So, we don't really have a problem. Everything else should work under this formula.

    What do you thing about these suggestions?

    To the furious pursuit of happiness and wealth!!!

  • realestateprofit26th January, 2003

    Excellent. I think we have ourselves a formula to go by now.


  • 26th January, 2003

    My feelings exactly, I have revised my Independent Contractors agreement to reflect the changes.

    Great Job!!!!


  • 26th January, 2003

    Congratulations to Cmon101 for refering some deals!!!!

    Let us know how that turns out.

    To everyone: Let us know you progress. How are things going? What is working for you and what is not working?

    Keep going, knock down the point of no return!!

    "Any mistakes made through audacity can easily be rectified with more audacity."[ Edited by furiousinc on Date 01/26/2003 ]

  • HoGiHung26th January, 2003

    Breaking into this, $500 flat fee is not bad. Use your creativity with your investors. Would it kill you to accept $500 on the first few deals?

    As you get more comfortabel with your investors, you can design a Fee schedule based on the various different types of REI.

    BTW, I have been away from the board the past two days thanks to that lovely SQL Slammer Virus. Man I want to strangle the person who wrote that.


  • realestateprofit26th January, 2003're right ho. But the area I live in isn't really a big place. $500 would be great if I had quite a few clients to work with but i'm afraid I will be lucky to gather 5 investors willing to do this.

    If I can only pull in 2 or 3 properties per month...then i'd like to be able to make it worth my while. Now on the other hand..i'm thinking of branching off to the surrounding areas, like Raleigh. If this works, then yeah, $500 would be fine.

    The one main thing i'm going to struggle with is handing the investment over to an investor when I know I can make 15K+ on the deal.

    There's only one way to find out eh?

    Thanks for your input.


  • dbow1726th January, 2003

    Bird doggers,

    Now that our rates are somewhat established, I need to take the next step. Finding the investors
    From the sounds of it, many of you have allready done this. How are you doing this?

  • realestateprofit26th January, 2003

    I would try advertising in the newspaper with something catchy and also attend an REI club near you and network, network, network.

  • 27th January, 2003

    dbow (Dustin),

    I am with realestateprofit, if you are looking for investors then place an ad. If you don't what to do that, then attend some REI meetings and let people know what you do. You will find yourself with more investors than you know what to do with. Either way, you will come out on top. It was hard for me to figure at first, but a good bird-dog is really needed, just like John Locke said. There is big bucks in bird-dogging.

    Also, network, network, network, this is always a crowd favorite. The reason is that it works. The more people you meet, the more people you can meet. This is the best way if you ask me.

    Anyway, much success to you all.

    To the furious pursuit of happiness and wealth.


  • 27th January, 2003

    I just got an investor to fill out the Investment Criteria Form on my site. She is in Lincoln, NE.

    Are there any bird-doggers in this area? If so, let me know and I will forward the information to you.


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