Questions About Section 8 Inspections ,etc

I am preparing to rent my first duplex & I am considering contacting Section 8 for tenants. I have 3 questions:

1. Does anyone know about their inspection process & are there things that i can double check on my end to make sure that i pass the inspection the 1st time?

2. For Michigan, does anyone know what the turnaround time is after applying that you are approved & then provided with a tenant?

3. Can you go to a Housing Commission in a city outiside of where the property is located to apply? i.e. a suburb of the city where the property is


  • jfmlv195014th April, 2005


    I’m wondering if dinndorf might have a problem with “constructive notice” because of what he said in his post.

    “I confirmed that the lightbulb indeed was burnt out and I had it replaced immediately. It was maybe out for no more than 2 days.”

    If he knew the light bulb was out before the tenant fell like his quote sounds, there might be a problem.

    Yes I agree, who needs a legal battle.

    John (LV)

  • tmckay14th April, 2005

    John(LV) and Dinndorf,

    The facts are important, and a small misunderstanding could make a big difference. My understanding was that the landlord was told of the incident, went to inspect and "confirmed" that the lightbulb had burnt out. By his saying it had been out for no more than two days, I took that to mean he had been there two days earlier, and it was not a problem then. By this understanding, there would be no actual or constructive notice on the part of the landlord. But if I am misinterpreting the fact sequence, the legal analysis could definitely be different.

  • dinndorf14th April, 2005

    Everyone, thanks for your feedback.

    I was not told of the light being burnt out until after the incident occurred. Also, I did not personally witness it being on a couple days later, but another tenant had told me after the incident that she noticed it being out a day or two earlier max. Nonetheless no one told me it was out prior to the incident.

  • dinndorf15th April, 2005

    An Additional question for everyone.

    Apparently she is intent on moving out by the end of the month. She still has not given us any kind of written notice to terminate her lease in 60 days.

    Should we begin advertising it? Should we send her a letter stating the she called us and said she was going to be moving out, remind her of her lease obligations, and tell her with her cooperation we will do everything we can to lease the property?

    Just not quite sure how to proceed.

  • kleinpm21st April, 2005

    It seems to me that she tried to bluff you with the lawsuit and it didnt work so now she is just trying to be difficult. I would not ask for permission to enter the unit, I would let her know that I was dropping by. If she is not going to be there then she probably wont even know that you were there anyway, just let her know to cover all the bases. I would do this all with a smile on my face and continue to be very courteous, kill her with kindness.

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