Question From A Beginner

I am working on obtaining my first foreclosure property and have already mailed the letters just waiting for the call. May I ask how all of you made your first deal on a house??? also how much did or does this site contribute to your successes?? thanks



  • Zenobia7913th December, 2004


    As one new Investor to another, this site is a GOD SEND!! You get a broad spectrum and a wealth of knowledge from investors across the country. There are a number of Seasoned Investors that are willing to mentor you without cost. This is a gold mine.

    Happy Trails and welcome aboard!


  • Cody110414th December, 2004

    This is a numbers game like anything else. Don't just wait on a call from this one letter. Be sending out more letters on other properties. You need to get a door open and then be ready to work the deal. BTW- You should only offer the lender 80% of FMV (net to them) on a pre-foreclosure short sale. Good luck! -Cody in Colorado

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