Question For Moderator

I posted an inquiry asking about hard money lenders in North Carolina. My topic was locked (no replies could be posted). I wanted to make sure my inquriy conformed with board rules so I worded my question just like a previous post from 3-19-04 "Hard Money Lenders In PA" by "cparrish" who had four replies and was not locked. Truth is, I looked in the lender's section but was not satisfied with the choices. What makes my inquiry so different than "cparrish" that it was locked? And further, why can't I ask the board if they know of any hard money/private lenders in NC if I am not happy with the choices in your "Lender's Section"? Your reply is appreciated.


  • InActive_Account28th March, 2004

    Why no reply?

  • JohnLocke29th March, 2004


    The reason being if someone replies then they would be advertising which is against the rules.

    I see the problem, however I would think where you are located you should have no problem locating a lender.

    Sometimes we miss a post, so if you or anyone sees a post that contains advertising, then hit the report the post link at the bottom of the post.

    I will check out the cparrish post.

    Believe me it had nothing to do with you personnally I won't let that happen.

    John $Cash$ Locke

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