Question For John $$cash$$ Locke

John, does your course include phone scripts for buying and selling? Also, I am VERY interested in buying your course. I'm moving to vegas in a month or two and I read somewhere that you made a great many deals/ $$cash$$ in vegas. Your profile says Tampa, so i was wondering if you left vegas for business reasons? How effective do you feel your course will be for someone trying to make deals in the RED HOT vegas housing market? Thanks!



  • JohnLocke1st March, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    I am winterting in Florida, doing some fishiing, meeting some of my students here, so Las Vegas is still my home base.

    Las Vegas is a great market, however I have done Subject To investing from coast to coast, so to me it has proven if you have the determination where ever you are is great.

    I have one student in Las Vegas only doing 5-6 deals per month, so the other student investors there decided not to invite him to the Christmas party unless he picks the pace up.

    Yes, you get the buying and selling scripts with the course, as a matter of fact you get a scripted presentation when buying which takes you from the knock on the door to closing the deal.

    John $Cash$ Locke[ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 03/01/2004 ]

  • DWLittle1st March, 2004

    John, thanks for the quick reply. I look forward to learning from you and picking your brain. I do not currently have a LLC set up in Nevada. Will i still be able to write off the course if i set up the LLC after the fact? I'm curious... about how many students do you have in vegas? Thanks agian.


  • JohnLocke1st March, 2004


    Not a tax expert, but I see no reason you would not be able to write it off.

    Here is what I know about Las Vegas there are right around two million people in the valley so I figure there is room for one more Subject To investor who knows how to get the job done.

    You will find that some of my students there will help you, we all work as part of the Cash Now team no matter what state or country you are located in we have learned to network with one another, even the Cash Now Bird Dogs get involved.

    There is plenty of business to go around for everyone.

    John $Cash$ Locke

    [ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 03/01/2004 ]

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