Question For Experienced Rehabbers

Have you ever purchased from a wholesaler who had negotiated a price with the seller, and negotiated the liens down as well?

Do you really care where the money you pay is going?Or is more about getting a clear marketable title, and the bottom dollar that you pay for it?


  • Eric515th July, 2005

    It should be about what you are getting it for and if it makes sense with your figures. It really shouldnt matter how much money the "bird dog" is making, but it DOES for some people. I think it is human nature to wonder what the person giving you the deal is getting out of it.

  • NC_Yank15th July, 2005


    It looks like this question is related to your post about the water damage by your relative. (lol)

    IMNSHO, a buyer has every right to disclosure of any information that could effect his / her decision on buying said property.

    Let me also clear up some misconceptions in regards to home inspections. Just because a person is licensed to do a home inspection, does not mean they are licensed to inspect for mold, fungi and mildew.. Although we generally recognize what it is and can anotate that there are conditions that can lead to such problems, many states and home inspection licensing board do not allow us to mention it specifically. We often will refer the client to and "industrial hygienist" for futher evaluation.

    There are many companies out there that state they do mold inspections.............what they are really doing is collecting data and samples, sending it off to a lab and then reporting those findings back to you for a price.

    The only state that I know of that requires true licensing for such inspections is Texas (effective this year)..........others will eventually follow suit however most inspectors including myself will tell you it is opening up a can of worms in which lawyers will end up making a killing off of any and everybody they can...........from inspectors, real estate agents, real estate investors etc.

    This is why I put more weight on disclosure.


  • ceedee15th July, 2005

    NC Yank
    Thank you for the info. Would you please clarify in what way lawyers will profit when investigatorss become licensed for mold inspection? Which can of worms are you refering too,mold disclosure or lawsuits?
    Thanks again.

  • NC_Yank15th July, 2005

    For about $250.00 you can get an engineer to actually come out and inspect well as putting a stamp to any recommendations.

    Best money spent.

    [ Edited by NC_Yank on Date 07/15/2005 ]

  • T115015th July, 2005

    [ Edited by T1150 on Date 07/15/2005 ]

    [ Edited by NC_Yank on Date 07/15/2005 ][ Edited by T1150 on Date 07/15/2005 ]

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