Question Concerning Owner Contacting 4 PF

I am a newbie that is jumping head 1st in2 the preforeclosure market. I have friends that r in real estate but none in the preforeclosure market. i have done some extensive reading concerning the process, so i pretty much know how things work and the transitioning of docs, etc. however, my ? steems from contacting the owners of the properties in foreclosure. i am trying 2 figure the best way 2 contact. should i send letters, knock on doors, call people, or all the above. i little in Atlanta, georgia where the foreclosure market is very competitive so i want 2 have a step up on the competition. what would you advise 4 a contacting method in a competitive foreclosure market?


  • classimg21st January, 2005

    First, our advice is to be REALISTIC! A market you described is saturating the homeowner. In our opinion, the US mail is the last thing being opened. Separate yourself from the rest and create a targeted approach. If you REALLY like an area of town, focus on those homes, searching for those prior to notice of default (NOD). The pre-foreclosure market has many entrepreneur players so you must be prepared to sell your service within 10 seconds.

    Remember those loosing their homes are:
    *In denial of the legal process
    *Embarrassed in their neighborhood
    *Overwhelmed with creditors
    *On the verge of severe depression
    *Need a solution ASAP
    *Considering filing bankruptcy

    Good luck,
    Eric & Rosa

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