Question about direct mailing....

I plan on mailing as many letters (within reason) to pre-foreclosures and was wondering if there is a cheaper way to purchase postage. I'm thinking of purchasing the pitney-bowes stamper but wanted some advice before buying.

Thanks! cool smile


  • realestateprofit25th January, 2003

    You guys aren't all using stamps are you??!!

  • realestateprofit26th January, 2003

    Ok. Let me rephrase the question.

    What is the best way to save money on postage when direct mailing?


  • wonderboy199926th January, 2003

    C'mon folks, I'd like to see an answer too.

    To put in my two cents, I've heard people mention saving money by second- and third-class mail. But I'm at a loss as to how one does this. All I ever see available at the snail-mail office is first class for 34 cents. or 37. or whatever it is now.


  • DerrickAli26th January, 2003

    RE Profits and WonderBoy1999:

    Here's some really Helpful information for you to consider!

    I've been a fan of Direct Mail since 1988 when I first experienced the MAGIC of it's rerun for my Efforts!
    I was just beginning to launch my mortgage originating career and the Economy was TANKING (Black Monday Oct)...I was a new L/O at an upstart Lender. I was selected to assist the nktg. dept. with new biz. development.

    The firm used direct-mail backed up with a STRONG Back-up of Tele-mktg.!
    We mailed out over 10,000 pieces a week and operated a call-center using 12 L/Os.
    The returns were Phenomenal! Avg. 35 to 60 new Loans monthly!
    Their secret was a 3 Step Mailer using basically the same body with a Different Header on the Letter sent out over a 3-4 Week period! (All Mailed using BULK-RATE DELIVERY about 13 CENTS per mailer)


    #1- Cost Savings isn't Realized until you've closed a deal!

    #2- Are you looking to PAY FOR a Low-Priced Mailing System or INVEST IN a High-Response Mktg. Strategy?

    #3- Bulk-Rate is cheap but not effective!
    (See the above return on 10K in mailers from the loan company---about .06 percent or less!!!)

    Are you planning to Mail 10,000 pieces or more? How Often?
    You can also expect that on Avg. a Homeowner facing foreclosure receives not only 3-5 calls and/or Letters a per day (75-100 monthly) all claiming to help them solve their problems EASILY!
    When I got into RE Investing I used this to reach out to homeowners facing foreclosure.

    My secret was to let these homeowners know ahead of time to look out for my letter
    Cuz it had a free "gift" for them…This included my Consumer Awareness Guide + the my Special Report: "The 5 Secrets Lenders Won't Tell Homeowners Facing Foreclosure?" (Read this Article here on TCI!)

    When they scheduled a FREE Consultation I'd bring the Gifts with me. Also, I'd ask them could I follow up with them in 2 days to see what they thought of the helpful guide and/or do a Needs Analysis by phone if they wished!

    The Letters I used in my 3-Step Strategy were all mailed inside of a #10 Envelopes (WHITE), HAND ADDRESSED with First Class Postage firmly Affixed! (It took forever cuz we had to either lick of wet these puppies B4 they'd stick--YUCK!) Anyway using this Mailer/Phone strategy almost always got me CREDIBILITY and POSITIONED Me as a HELPFUL, EXPERT CONSULTANT and…

    This Method Returns BETTER than Bulk-Rate postage---I GET 4 out of 25 appointments and close 50% (or better) of those I meet with!

    I control my Mailers and Target my audience!

    I also use classified Ads that keep my phone ringing with Sellers AND THIS IS REALLY THE WAY YOU WANT IT TO BE!

    I hope this helps! Should either of you or anyone else here on TCI Need REI Mktg Advice:
    My Time is Yours!

    Derrick Ali


  • realestateprofit26th January, 2003


    Thanks for the response. I should have been a tad clearer with my earlier posts. I don't plan on bulk mailing to the general population...mainly just to those that are flagged for pre-foreclosure (which around here would probably equate to 100 or so letters a month).

    You're phone/mail strategy is excellent. I never thought of approaching it that way. I'll have to add that one to my plan.

    Always a great help Derrick,


  • Jom2nd February, 2003

    I cannot for the life of me find the Article "The 5 Secrets Lenders Won't Tell Homeowners Facing Foreclosure?"

    Can someone point me to it?


  • kclark2nd February, 2003

    I'm also looking for the "5 Secrets" article as well. Help!!

  • visionary5th February, 2003

    Here are some other DM Secrets to increase the effectiveness of your mailings:

    1. TEST... you can have 1,000 names, send 500 with one message/headline/design and another one with different info...find out what gives you a better return and KEEP doing it!

    2. If your sending 25, 50, or 100 at a time...HAND WRITE a personal; note on the front of the mailing ex: Hi Joe, This information can REALLY help you. Please call me as soon as you have a moment! Joe....and watch them CALL you!

    I have helped many companies become RICH using DM and this ALWAYS works!


  • cmon1016th February, 2003

    kc and jom
    here is the link your looking for

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