Putting Together A CRE Team


As a wanabe RE investor, I'm trying to determine how to put together a good RE team, i.e. lawyer, RE agent, etc. I have a very good friend who's an REA, but not the type of person I think I can team up with (too 'by the book'). The lawyers I know are VCs or various forms of civil lawyers. I already have a good accountant.

Related question: Can anyone recommend a good book or two on the buying/selling process? I'd like to be a little more process-literate. I've only filled out a couple of RE offers with my REA holding my hand, and have never sold a place.

Thanks in advance!



  • Mitchell9th February, 2004


    Go to your local Real Estate Investors Association. There will be plenty of people who will put you on the right road. Check out their library. Become involved in the group. You won't find better people.

    Mitchell Goldstein

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