Putting Ads On Cars In Parking Lots...

I was thinking about hitting up mall parking lots early in the morning to place my "facing foreclosure, we buy homes" type ad on windshields and such. Is this a good way to get the word out, or would this get me into some sort of trouble?

If I cant work the mall parking lot, then what other parking lots would be more leaniant and what are good times to put out those ads?



  • mark13696th January, 2005

    I have found the Malls to be pretty tough on people flyering cars. Office parks and strip mall parking lots can be good. You have to move fast, however. I have also heard that bandit signs are much more effective than car flyers.

  • ZinOrganization6th January, 2005

    alot of people get irrated by that. they usually just crumple em up and toss em on the ground. and when your talking about 100s of them it can get the mall managers really ticked. also many of the malls i have been to have security constantly driving around, who would probably put a stop to it.

    yes, bandit signs would be a safer more affective why to do it. if you have snow in your area when the malls plow all the snow into big piles, run up to the top of them and stick a yellow and black bandit signs right on top.

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