Put This In Your Book

I have found it extremely hard to spend money on Real Estate, it seems like you can’t get anyone to do a simple job. I think the market must have been too good for too long. Everyone I have been in contact with has failed to come through in one way or another.

Some examples:

Many contractors lie and do not come to work on time or at all or come in high or drunk.

Realtors/Affiliate Brokers do not submit offers on time or at all.

Advertisers cannot ever get an ad right on the first print.

Real Estate Lawyers cannot answer simple questions that they should know right off the top of their head.

Listed above are just a few examples of the dirty waters of investing. Maybe one day I will right REI book about dealing with the real issues. Even after you find a creative way to do a deal you still have to contend with all the general bull.
[ Edited by kensinvest on Date 04/28/2004 ]


  • pspiers28th April, 2004

    It has been my experience that no matter what profession you choose, only about 5% are any good at what they do. When you find somebody who falls into the 5% pay them well and stick with them. BTW RE investors fall into the 5% rule also. This is great news if you are one of the 5%.

    What about doctors? Now, that is scary!

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