Pulling Out Equity?

In todays market, what is the best way to pull funds out of a free and clear property?

I have a property purchased by my LLC for cash a couple of months ago. Can I legally "buy" the property from my LLC and get a purchase money loan to make the purchase?

In essence, I the individual, would write up an offer to my LLC to purchase property. I would take that offer to a bank and qualify for a mortgage loan within the banks criteria. I would close on the property and property would transfer from LLC to me, LLC would get paid off from the proceeds.

Is this a viable scenario or do the banks consider this to be self-dealing. Is this akin to a cash-out refinance?

If this is not viable, does anyone have any other suggestions for pulling out equity from a free and clear property in an LLC?



  • commercialking24th July, 2009

    Unduly complicated and serves no purpose. Upon review the lender is going to realize that you and the LLC are essentially the same thing which makes this a refi not a sale. Simply approach the lender regarding terms for a refi.

  • NewKidInTown33rd August, 2009

    Have you approached a commercial loan officer to discuss your needs?

  • commercialking27th July, 2009

    Try the big lenders web sites. They will have REO sections. Most that I have looked at have data hopelessly out of date but you can give it a try.

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