Public Records

What kind of information is available via public records on the internet?

I know I can see bankruptcies and foreclosures, but will I be able to find out about existing mortgages as well?



  • ray_higdon30th August, 2004

    Depends on your county and their e-government initiative. In my county I can see mortgages but you'll have to check your county's Clerk of Courts site and see.

    Also check the property appraiser site for valuable info

  • EMGSTUDIOS30th August, 2004

    If your offer for 60 is accepted why not contract out the repairs and cash in on the potential 30k+ profit that this property stands to pull. Repay your relative and have yourself set up with the funds for you next offer.

    Why are you settling for the 5k flip? Do you anticipate a long holding period?

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