Public Information

true pre-foreclosures are displayed for all the public to see?, or will I need to research this info at the county clerks office?
what is the best way to find listings for these type of properties in the northern Va area?
Thank You
Zipp confused


  • nebulousd23rd October, 2003

    If your city has a web site, you may be able to get the information from them. It is public information and there are different ways to obtain the information. But the court houses will provide this information.

  • zipp23rd October, 2003

    Thanks for the quick reply! I did go to the courthouse today and researched their site, however I could not tell if the properties where foreclosed or pre-foreclosed. Is there a source that reads simply "pre-foreclosed properties"? and lists the addresses? Thanks for the help!

  • nebulousd23rd October, 2003

    It should say forclosure. I know the site here does. It probably won't say pre-forclosure, but the site or imformation you obtained will list the sales date. if you put out bandit signs offering you can help those in foreclosure, you'll get more leads then you can handle. be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

  • zipp24th October, 2003

    Thanks again!! I have alot of research that I need to do before I put up any bandits, but it's very tempting to start advertising immediatley, I want to make sure that I have the horse before the cart.
    When buying a foreclosure with intention of flipping it are there any glaring concerns to watch for? Am I allowed to inspect a property before drawing up a real estate contract?

    Zipp <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif"> [ Edited by zipp on Date 10/24/2003 ]

  • nebulousd24th October, 2003

    I say go for it. I was talking to sellers before I knew anything. By just going out, it puts you in a mode. Trust me, if you advertise now and people started calling, you are going to force yourself to learn more faster. You can always turn to your REI group or TCI for help. Learn as you go. There's no better substitution for actually being out there and doing it. Don't learn and learn and learn and never do do do.

  • zipp24th October, 2003

    Great advice..better a do'er than a dreamer! I don't have an REI group as of yet..this site and research are my mode of info..and this proves to be a great resource. My concern at going solo is possibly not being able to come up with the necessary funds if I need more than I have available, on the other hand a team of investors could be quite a headache unless everything is on paper. But again I am just beginning to research and an REI group had better be something I should consider. I do have a few could be investors whom I trust very much..
    Any comments or thoughts?


  • nebulousd24th October, 2003

    You could start out being a bird dog. be a bird dog for those investors who invest in the way you want to invest in. Understand what they want, why they want it, and the best way of going about and finding it. Ask questions and understand the steps they take. Most investors wouldn't mind having a bird dog bringing them deals. And when you get tired of watching them make money, go do it yourself.

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