PSF Costs?
I know that in any part of the country you will get different prices for plumbing and electrical work etc. But is there an average per square foot price for each of the trades involved in building a house? Like if I have a budget of $100.00 a square foot how much should I expect to pay for each trade? I know I can mess up the whole 'budget' idea with gold plated this and that but I'm just talking about standards. Thank You, Tom
check your local bookstore for Means Construction data. These books will give you price per square foot for every building component.
Thank You.
So far I have found things like AC is about $1,500 per ton of AC, $400.00 per drain for plumbing. $2.00 a sq ft for elec rough in. Any of this sounding familiar?
you are, more or less, in the ballpark. Keep in mind though that sq. ft. pricing can and often is extremely misleading. I could build two houses with identical floor plans and exteriors and one could be $65 a sq.ft. and the other could be $200 a sq.ft. It all depends on what you do at the finish level.[ Edited by woodsong on Date 05/20/2004 ]