Proven Short Sale System

Before everyone jumps the gun, I am not advertising! I just have a question as to how I would share something that was shared with me with other investors. I have learned this business through other people like you. Some information I received was free and some I paid for. If I have been using a system that I feel would be helpful to others what do I do? I'm scared to post anything with the fear of being banned from the site.


  • nebulousd3rd February, 2004

    You can write an article about it and you can post what you feel may be helpful. Just don't add, "contact me", "if you PM me I will tell you more" or for those that respond and ask more questions, you don' t go off and PM or email them trying to get them to buy your stuff or bird dog for you.

    As long as you are providing useful information without the email and I will be your best friend speech, everything will be fine.[ Edited by nebulousd on Date 02/03/2004 ]

  • InActive_Account3rd February, 2004

    This site is for sharing, caring people. Most of us learned from reading,courses,others,and our own personal experiences.

    If you go to the Short Sale Forum there has to be plenty of opportunities via all the posts to express your, "Proven Short Sale" methodology.

    Or,simply submit an article to this website.

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