Landlord Or Tenet Responsibility

I am looking for help. I am not the landlord or tenet but the harassed neighbor. I own my home and have lived in this house for 20 years. My neighbor started renting next door around 1 year ago. I try not to communicate with them at all but have had numerous problems dealing with their harassment. I have contacted landlord several times to explain the problems I have incurred. Normally this abuse is verbal but yesterday it became physical with them intentionally damaging my property and myself. I did and have called the police on at least 3 other occasions but still dealing with this each day. Now my question is there any laws in Ga that would hold the landlord responsible for the damage his tenets has done? I would like to put ultimatium to him if there is either he pays for damage or evicts people from house.

Helpless downer


  • NancyChadwick5th March, 2004

    I don't know what GA laws provide. However, I wonder if you may be able to connect with a legal "hotline" to pose this question and get some guidance. Failing that, it may be important enough to you to actually consult (and pay) an attorney to explain your civil and criminal options.

  • steeler195th March, 2004

    What does the police say?

    File a restraining order against the neighbor - they don't work but it starts a documentation process and serves to notify them that you are not just "taking it".

    See if you can nail them on anything else - is there a home owners association? deed restrictions? Talk to them - he may not even be renting the place out legally and the homeowners association can take action. Also if they do have deed restrictions and he is in violation of any complain about each and every one to the homeowners association. Make it a headache for him.

    I highly doubt you can hold the landlord responsible. He may have clauses in his lease agreement that they have violated but if HE'S not going to enforce them......

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