
I closed on my first property last month and I just got a call from an insurance person to do an inspection for insurance reasons..... what type of things are they looking for..... Im not living there yet b/c Im still fixing it up to make it habitable.... any thing particular theyll be looking for?


  • mykle12th March, 2004

    They will likely pay particular attention to the roof, at least they do in Kansas and Iowa, probably the same for Ohio. Hail has been bad for their buisness, they try to avoid giving a new roof to someone who already needed it before the hail storm.

    They will also probably be looking for problems with the sidings integrity, namely a situation that will let water in, missing pieces, unpainted areas etc.

    Broken windows could be a problem.

    They shouldn't want to go into the home, and my understanding is that in my state the owner can refuse entry with no negative results.

    If there are issues the inspector is likely to be understanding about it being rehabbed. Maybe set up a reinspection, or even take your word for it that that can of paint with the brush on it is going to be used to paint the new wood surrounding that new window.


  • DaveT13th March, 2004

    Depending upon the age of the property, the inspector will also want to look at the electrical distribution system.

  • norrist13th March, 2004

    They will also be looking for liability exposures: cracked sidewalks (tripping), missing steps, handrails, viscious animals, etc...

  • mfparks14th March, 2004

    thanks for your all your guys help

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